Retirement Plan Simulator


While I used my best efforts to test and verify the results of the programming of Retirement Plan Simulator (RPS), I cannot make representations or warrant the accuracy or completeness of the results produced. RPS provides a method to download results so you can verify accuracy of your own simulations and make your own decisions on how to implement strategies. RPS cannot definitively tell if a plan will survive retirement.

RPS is not intended to be a substitute for getting advice from professional certified tax and financial consultants. Strategies inferred by RPS may not be best for everyone. With RPS, I am not providing advice on financial planning, legal, tax, or making investment recommendations. RPS is simply a tool to help make your own decisions. I cannot be held liable for any loss or impacts including poor investments that result in exhausting your savings and investments before end of life. You need to make your own decisions on strategies for spending down your investments and savings during retirement. Verify results of RPS with other resources before implementing your own plan. Do not use RPS as the only tool for your financial planning.

If you agree to hold harmless everyone connected with RPS, you are welcome to continue using this tool. Thanks for visiting.